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June 9, 2011

Vision casting – Finding Macedonia

Acts 16 talks about how Paul – a well known Christian evangelist in the New Testament – is on his way to Asia, to preach the gospel, when he is stopped by the Holy Spirit. In fact the Bible even goes so far as to say that he was forbidden by the Spirit to go and preach in Asia. Why? It doesn’t seem to make sense that the Holy Spirit would stop Paul and his team from preaching God’s word to people who desperately need to hear it. It’s not even like Paul had “hidden motives” – like the reason he was really trying to get to Asia was because there was this pot of gold that he wanted to get his hands on. As far as we know, he genuinely wanted to preach God’s word; to open people’s eyes to Jesus Christ the Son of God. A noble quest...surely?
Acts 16:9-10....(Timothy writes): “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”
Paul’s plans for Asia were not ungodly – what Paul wanted to do in Asia was exactly what Christ had commissioned His early disciples to do (“go out and make disciples of all nations”). But God didn’t want Paul in Asia. He wanted him in Macedonia.
Most SCA committees have a vision for their SCA. A vision for the year, and how SCA will be run, and what will be taught, and how it will be taught. And most of these visions are godly visions – we pray about them, ask for God’s leading, and ask for God to be a part of our vision for SCA. But what if it isn’t so much about God being a part of our vision for our SCA’s in our schools, as it is about us being a part of God’s vision for His SCA’s in His schools.
Because God does have a vision. And He does have a plan. And He’s longing to show it to us – but if we’re insisting on going to Asia, how can God lead us – and our SCA’s - to Macedonia?
So maybe this means that as a committee, it’s time to sit down and reassess how much of your vision is God’s and how much is yours. Or maybe you truly believe that you are following God’s vision, and you simply need to spend time, as a committee, getting back to that vision. Maybe you need to sit down and actually ask God for a vision – because so far you don’t really have one. Whatever the case, take time as a committee to seek God, to ask His guidance. And spend time waiting on Him – waiting for Him to show you your own Macedonia.
Because God is just waiting to show you what He has planned for His SCA’s. And I promise it’ll be better than what we can imagine ourselves. You thought Asia was cool? Wait till you see Macedonia...

SUIS Trendsetter (St Anne's SCA Committee 2010)

June 2, 2011


Every week, of every month, of every year during the school term, there are thousands of Student Christian Groups meeting around South Africa.  Some groups meet for a short time during a break and others meet for hours in the evening.  For some the meetings are for a few and for others, hundreds gather.  Worship varies.  From full teams of drums, electric guitars and keyboards to the moving sound of acappela singing.  Venues are different.  From beautiful stained glass chapels to cold classrooms.  In all the languages of our country God’s word is taught amidst the ordinary school day.  Voices are raised, the Gospel is proclaimed, and prayers are uttered.
I’m not sure what your SCA is like (or what name you give your student Christian gathering) but know you are not alone.  Weekly there are other SCA’s meeting.  SCA’s who face similar challenges and she equal joys.  SCA’s who are filled with young people who have a passion for Jesus and a desire for those in their school to be transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Just as God called the Nation of Israel to be a Holy nation, set apart to be an example to the surrounding nations of His covenant relationship with them, so too is an SCA set apart to bear witness in their school.
“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people.  You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession.  As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”  (1 Peter 2:9 NLT)
SCA’s have the amazing privilege of bringing hope to a school, which is filled with brokenness.  For those who mourn, there is comfort.  For those who are hurting, there is healing.  For those who are confused, there is direction.  For those who have rejected God, there is grace.  For those who follow other idols, there is conviction.  For those who are rejected, there is acceptance.  For those who lead, there is anointing.  For those who are anxious, there is peace.  For those who have questions, there is guidance.
Whilst Jesus went to the Synagogue, much of His time was spent amongst the ordinary people in everyday situations, speaking parables of the kingdom of God.  Through SCA’s, Jesus again walks into the everydayness of our lives.  He sits in classrooms and walk down corridors.  He declares again, Immanuel, God is with us.
I’m not sure of the state of your SCA.  If it’s thriving or struggling.  I’m not sure what role you have in your SCA.  If you’re on the committee or one who attends every now and then.  I’m not sure what your week has been like.
However, what I am sure of is that you are not alone.  Keep meeting.
Director of Scripture Union Independent Schools